Friday will be pre registration and a show and shine event. Saturday will be the main events the sand runs and the mud bog. This is a family friendly event and includes event classes for kids and activities.
Class registration will be $10 each class plus a non-perishable food donation for the Wecare food pantry. This is a free event for spectators but we do encourage them to donate to the food drive as well.
This year's organization to recieve the raffel proceeds is the
St Helen Snow Packers to thank them and help them continue their efforts on the trail systems in the summer months.
We will have powersports & local vendors, demos, raffels. Please follow this page for details and information regarding the event!
This event is not for Jeeps or trucks.
@trigger - If you know you'll make it for the sand runs. I'll pre-register you on Friday night. Otherwise, I can sign you up for the mud bog on Saturday.
@Remington - I'll get you all set up for the Sand Runs on Friday. Let me know if your lady friend wants to race too.

Or if you want to do the mud bogs.