I'm pretty sure I did absolutely nothing to you... I even appoligized after I learned your situation. But it seems you have some weird double standard and something against me personally. I liked you a lot and appreciated your input when I first came here.. Since then you were fine for a while and then a switch flipped and you became a prick towards me. I give people s*** and I expect it in return. I realize text doesn't always convey what we mean or how we mean it.. But if you don't like the things I post.. just skip it.
@Montecresto and I don't agree on many things but I still like him most of the time and don't have to ignore him just because I don't agree or like what he says at times.
I genuinely don't understand where your animosity comes from.. for the love of God this is the Internet!! I know Rocmar rubs some the wrong way.. but we all need to get over out s*** and realize it doesn't f***ing matter! I burned his ass pretty good the other night.. and was wrong in what I said considering our geniunine level of how we know one another. But that's the thing about these places.. we make friends and we get to know one another on a very limited basis. Non of us know the struggles or hardships we've endured and like a stage 3 clinger on a first date we all feel comfortable joking and cutting up at different levels. I'll treat each and everyone of you with the same respect I'm given. But in my world giving people s*** is NOT being disrespectful but rather a form of brotherly love! I get over s*** quick.. and sometimes forget others aren't wired like me! So to all you rooster love'n, sister boink'n, Honda riding rednecks... drink a beer, chill out and make fun of each other without keeping score. We're all here for the same reasons... if you don't feel like playing just say "today's not a good time". If you don't like what someone has to say.. skip it!
@moparornocar glad your family is ok!
@rocmar remind me not to s..s..s..s ..stammer on too much!

@Montecresto trump won
@CumminsPusher yo momma!!