Where Eagles & Angels....Dare to Fly...
Lifetime Member
For your family's safetyThe wreck was cause by an asshole passing my wife in a no passing zone on ice, he crossed the centerline and crowded her to the shoulder, she cut the wheel and lost traction and overcorrected, aimed for the dit h as it was the softest landing. I saw it all in my mirror because I was about 100 yards in front of her. It was probably the most terrifying experience of my life. As to the brakes, in Wisconsin brakes aren't required until 3k lb. It weighed in at 2400 and some. Never had a problem stopping and it would run 80mph all day if you have it enough time to get there. Got about 12mpg towing it though.
...brakes should to you
be required. ..
I don't trade in safety
to save on gas...