"MY" President is Donald J Trump

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Well, facts matter.

I'll give you some facts.
He is your President.
Jobs are up
Taxes are down
Health care is better
Our country is safer
People are getting bonuses
Energy industry is on the rise

Democratic Party push agents everything that made this happen.

1 Trump wants 12year plan to bring in the 1.8mill (Basically they have to earn it)
2 Build the wall and add help to clean bad illegals out of the USA
3 Get rid of the lottery (needed again kinda back to #1 if your not contributing to the US you don't need to be able to come)
4 Family sponsorships. Again this goes back to #3 we don't need people coming that we are just going to pay for. As he said immediate family yes but not just anyone.

My wife is from Venezuela I know a ton about the system and how it really works its a joke. This plan is solid and fair.

Just want to try and blame Trump for everything. Just like the kids they are they take no credit for anything its always someone else fault.
They are offering the people everything basically saying we will print more money to make you happy what do you want. When a person is offering you the world you may want to look behind and see what they are trying to get pass you. If it looks to good to be true it probably is. They did the same thing with Obama and what did you gain in that 8 years. All he did was take.

Now give me all the Facts you were telling me about and not that BS he said she said the democrats talk about.

And this isn't my write up it will be way better. with way more fact.


Montecresto el segundo
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I'll give you some facts.
He is your President.
Jobs are up
Taxes are down
Health care is better
Our country is safer
People are getting bonuses
Energy industry is on the rise

Democratic Party push agents everything that made this happen.

1 Trump wants 12year plan to bring in the 1.8mill (Basically they have to earn it)
2 Build the wall and add help to clean bad illegals out of the USA
3 Get rid of the lottery (needed again kinda back to #1 if your not contributing to the US you don't need to be able to come)
4 Family sponsorships. Again this goes back to #3 we don't need people coming that we are just going to pay for. As he said immediate family yes but not just anyone.

My wife is from Venezuela I know a ton about the system and how it really works its a joke. This plan is solid and fair.

Just want to try and blame Trump for everything. Just like the kids they are they take no credit for anything its always someone else fault.
They are offering the people everything basically saying we will print more money to make you happy what do you want. When a person is offering you the world you may want to look behind and see what they are trying to get pass you. If it looks to good to be true it probably is. They did the same thing with Obama and what did you gain in that 8 years. All he did was take.

Now give me all the Facts you were telling me about and not that BS he said she said the democrats talk about.

I’m an independent and I support neither the Ass or the elephant.

And yes, taxes are lower for corporations and the wealthy.

Where’s the healthcare improvement??
The country was never in danger.
amnestydon is doing good on immigration. Mexico’s not paying for a wall and Mueller’s closing in on the TIC.


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Just want to try and blame Trump for everything. Just like the kids they are they take no credit for anything its always someone else fault.
You know republicans treated Obama exactly the same way. Most Americans are very partisan and attack and ridicule each other the way you’re doing right here. Democrats or Republicans we’re all Americans first and people have differences in opinions.


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I’m an independent and I support neither the Ass or the elephant.

And yes, taxes are lower for corporations and the wealthy.

Where’s the healthcare improvement??
The country was never in danger.
amnestydon is doing good on immigration. Mexico’s not paying for a wall and Mueller’s closing in on the TIC.

Where’s the healthcare improvement?? Rome wasn't built in a day but yes as said above people have seen it come down and now he is working on price of meds.
Country was never in danger. He said she said
Taxes are lower for not just the corporations but you also. And the corporation are building jobs and giving bonuses, I'm going to give you some simple math. us $100 at 10% is $10 Corporate $1000 at 10% is $100 yes they save more they make more money but its still fair.
Amnesty Don is doing good. He said she said (as I said I can talk for days on this subject)
Mexico not paying for the wall. AND we still need it
Mueller’s closing in on the TIC. he said she said come on man quit letting them get you to watch this hand look at the other one.


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You know republicans treated Obama exactly the same way. Most Americans are very partisan and attack and ridicule each other the way you’re doing right here. Democrats or Republicans we’re all Americans first and people have differences in opinions.

Obama did the worst job ever. I want hate on any of the rest. But Obama was a joke and sent the country in the wrong direction in every way. I know at his State Of Union they held lier but the truth is he was lying thats what he was.

I'm a realist you want to talk about Trump spend all day talking about the stupid stuff that comes out this mouth. BUT actions speak louder than words. Obama talked. Trump takes action.
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"My wife is from Venezuela I know a ton about the system and how it really works its a joke. This plan is solid and fair."

Mine also...from Anaco. My 29 yo Daughter was also born in Venezuela, it was hell getting them US citizenship.


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Obama did the worst job ever.
Obviously that’s your opinion. But Americans at large don’t agree with you as evidenced by Obama’s polling data his first year in office compared to the Twitter In Chief’s (TIC). As a matter of fact, Obama’s exit polling was higher than anything the TIC has seen. Americans don’t like Trump.


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"My wife is from Venezuela I know a ton about the system and how it really works its a joke. This plan is solid and fair."

Mine also...from Anaco. My 29 yo Daughter was also born in Venezuela, it was hell getting them US citizenship.

My wife is from Bolivar Venezuela. Yep, not an easy task at all. My wives brother is trying right now him and his family. They told him last time he was here just to stay and become illegal he could get a ton of government money and could just work for cash. (his Lawyers) But they went back home and are just doing the lottery. I have had 3 of my wives friend come stay and go to collage. 2 went back 1 stayed and got married.
People don't understand that don't live it. Only so many immigrant are aloud in the US every year when they come illegally it just makes that number less. And the sad thing is it is easier in the US to be illegal than not. Example if you in collage and your are a foreign exchange student you can't work and get no government help but if your illegal you get help and can work. How is the right so the foreign exchange student should have just came over on a visa and not leave as soon as it goes out start school and be better off. Wake up America


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  5. Talon X4
Sounds like your counting on the same BS polls that had hillary up by 15% and a shoe in last election.
I don’t know about the percentage points, but they did have her ahead of Trump, and she did in fact beat the TIC in the popular vote by a greater percentage than any other election in history. That said, I certainly did not want her to win either. The one promise that candidate Trump did make to his supporters that I really hoped he’d keep was locking HRC up. But after he won the necessary votes, he walked that back.


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Obviously that’s your opinion. But Americans at large don’t agree with you as evidenced by Obama’s polling data his first year in office compared to the Twitter In Chief’s (TIC). As a matter of fact, Obama’s exit polling was higher than anything the TIC has seen. Americans don’t like Trump.

You worry about polls I'll stick with the facts and even that says Obama sucked.


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Hey Monte Still hiding in the shadows and waiting for alerts on Proud American posts Then swooping in on your Smart car and trying to pizz on their pride.:mad: Or are you practicing those Liberal arts studys by knitting vagina hats and protests signs.:p... or was is too cold from "global warming "this year in your progressive passive electric solar house and your feeling bad for having to use the oil burning furnace.:eek:Or maybe it could be you just got back from protesting the Cleveland Indians mascot.:confused:No maybe your knee hurts from all the kneeling during the Anthem....... Just thinking out loud.

Wait we all know trump ended Global Warming in just one year have you walked out side lately. LOL


Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Hey Monte Still hiding in the shadows and waiting for alerts on Proud American posts Then swooping in on your Smart car and trying to pizz on their pride.:mad: Or are you practicing those Liberal arts studys by knitting vagina hats and protests signs.:p... or was is too cold from "global warming "this year in your progressive passive electric solar house and your feeling bad for having to use the oil burning furnace.:eek:Or maybe it could be you just got back from protesting the Cleveland Indians mascot.:confused:No maybe your knee hurts from all the kneeling during the Anthem....... Just thinking out loud.
Still haven’t learned to debate without resorting to name calling and personal attacks. Have fun.
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Montecresto el segundo
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  5. Talon X4
Wait we all know trump ended Global Warming in just one year have you walked out side lately. LOL
And like the TIC and Fox News pundits you too are conflating weather and climate. :rolleyes:


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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Still haven’t learned to debate without resorting to name calling and personal attacks. Have fun.
I think what some are saying is the fact that many of us (probably most on this site especially given the nature) are saying is we’re proud of our current president and replying in a fashion that meets the OP original heading. Not sure it was meant as a debate
Wouldn’t be too far different from a guy that has only owned Polaris getting into a “I love my Honda” thread explaining in detail why Polaris is better in every way. Tends to piss people off. I read these as well even though I’m not super political and they always turn sideways from a few.
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