Montecresto el segundo
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I can understand that not everybody would have a grasp of geopolitics and global finance. But that's what experts are for and it would be benificial to suss them out. Most of us that don't support Trump realized that his policy agenda to stick 35% tariffs on Mexican imports and 45% tariffs on Chinese imports is simply red meat for the base, and something America wouldn't allow him to do. Primarily because more of us than not have no interest in national suicide. Besides that launching a tariffs war, Trumps fees would be tacked on to the price of the goods that fill the shelves at ChinaMart and be crushing to the lower and lower middle class Americans, Trump's primary support base. Like Trump's promise to build a Great Wall on the Mexican border, these tariffs won't materialize, that talk is just more red meat for the base that don't realize themselves to be the victim of.