OMG, castration is in order, although has a slight resemblance to Trump?
OMG, castration is in order, although has a slight resemblance to Trump?
I googled retarded mountain lion and that's what I found.. Lmao!!I'm sorry but that is one ugly looking cat. Hope it is not someones pet? Haha
Give it a look, it's a pretty good thread.Nope
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That's Trumps message, but...........he does want to make America great again!!!!! Problem is he thinks that's achieved by shredding the constitution.
That's twice now you used that word. Knock it off.I googled retarded mountain lion and that's what I found.. Lmao!!
It's actually a result of inbreeding in captive tigers.
MoparThat's twice now you used that word. Knock it off.
That's twice now you used that word. Knock it off.
Nope, no offense meant.. However there is nothing wrong with the word retarded. For years it was the accepted clinical term for any handicap. It wasn't until someone decided to distinguish between handicaps that it was craved to be used in a medical sense. This feeds into the whole political correctness bulls***.. It's now clearly not used in its original context and the meaning of the word has shifted to have nothing to do with mental or physical handicap. Words are just words, they have no power unless you allow them to. Have we truly become so weak that will will allow mere words to offend us and cause harm? I absolutely refuse to allow political correctness to dictate my life.. If that makes me an asshole then so be it. But we should all be wise enough to discern the intent of our own language.Mopar
I'm sure he meant
no disrespect. ..
I experienced the same
thing here...When my
special needs Granddaughter
made my Badge....she made
3....the 1st one is the one I
chose to use...the other 2
where perfect...cause mom
helped.But I proudly put
on the one..she made all
by herself.She said Papa
these ones are better....
I told her...I want the one
you made...
Is she the kettle or the pot?? She has literally given both to our enemies in an actual sense.Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trumps comments have given aid and comfort to our enemies! I wonder how the Clinton camp would respond to Trump accusing her of treason???
Yes, she has. And Islamic State propaganda videos have featured Trump and his comments to be sure, but they've also featured Bill Clinton and his comments.Is she the kettle or the pot?? She has literally given both to our enemies in an actual sense.
Its an endorsement.
"A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment.
Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
I know how to read. It was a directly insulting
(CNN)Ted Cruz on Tuesday unloaded on Donald Trump, accusing him during a news conference of being a "pathological liar," "utterly amoral," "a narcissist at a level I don't think this country's ever seen" and "a serial philanderer." And, he said my wife is ugly.
But today, I endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States. Whew, what a mouthful Ted swallowed on that. Damn that senate seat is valuable.