Man is this getting to be a tough decision for me. Please note, I have never owned any type of ATV. Maybe spent 2 hours riding an ATV several years ago. You talk about analysis paralysis! Yikes! So, yesterday I went to a dealer to actually get my hands on a P500. After getting a well intentioned tour and education by the sales guy, I'm not sure whether to go with P500 or one of the Foreman variants. The price difference is close enough to not be much of a factor.
Currently, the only reason (that I can see) to go with P500 is to have a passenger, which is maybe 25% of the time (as a fly fishing and bird hunting guide). All my hunting buddies have ATVs already. And I spend 50% off road time by myself. 50% of that time with my bird dog(crate will be secured to back rack). 99% of riding will be in Eastern Sierra and Nevada desert mountains. The mountains in Nevada can be a very long, flat 10+ mile approach across decent dirt roads, then 5 or 10 miles of very steep, very rocky, deeply rutted two tracks. Best Mule Deer and Chucker hunting in the world, but, I digress.
I mention the long approaches simply for the speed difference between the two machines.
I know many of you have owned both types of these vehicles and many still do, but, now own and maybe prefer the P500. So, I guess I'm asking why would you advise me one way or the other. Also, for me, I'll admit this is a very expensive piece of equipment. And I can't afford to screw this up, and I have come to recognize the collective wisdom in this great community I have stumbled onto here. By the way, I'm 65, and if that matters, that's why I'm finally getting an ATV/UTV. Starting to slow down just a bit.
Thanking you in advance, Doug T.
For me the answer is simply as I own a 420 rancher and a p500. I almost always chose to ride the p500. because of its versatility, comfort,and less fatigue from a long ride. The p500 is truly an all around good machine.Man is this getting to be a tough decision for me. Please note, I have never owned any type of ATV. Maybe spent 2 hours riding an ATV several years ago. You talk about analysis paralysis! Yikes! So, yesterday I went to a dealer to actually get my hands on a P500. After getting a well intentioned tour and education by the sales guy, I'm not sure whether to go with P500 or one of the Foreman variants. The price difference is close enough to not be much of a factor.
Currently, the only reason (that I can see) to go with P500 is to have a passenger, which is maybe 25% of the time (as a fly fishing and bird hunting guide). All my hunting buddies have ATVs already. And I spend 50% off road time by myself. 50% of that time with my bird dog(crate will be secured to back rack). 99% of riding will be in Eastern Sierra and Nevada desert mountains. The mountains in Nevada can be a very long, flat 10+ mile approach across decent dirt roads, then 5 or 10 miles of very steep, very rocky, deeply rutted two tracks. Best Mule Deer and Chucker hunting in the world, but, I digress.
I mention the long approaches simply for the speed difference between the two machines.
I know many of you have owned both types of these vehicles and many still do, but, now own and maybe prefer the P500. So, I guess I'm asking why would you advise me one way or the other. Also, for me, I'll admit this is a very expensive piece of equipment. And I can't afford to screw this up, and I have come to recognize the collective wisdom in this great community I have stumbled onto here. By the way, I'm 65, and if that matters, that's why I'm finally getting an ATV/UTV. Starting to slow down just a bit.
Thanking you in advance, Doug T.
Here is my take on it...I have had ATV's for a long time and always said I would not be without one. Then I bought the P5 and I say, "Wish I had one of these a long time ago." Every time we go out I like the side by more and more and I am in my late 60's.Man is this getting to be a tough decision for me. Please note, I have never owned any type of ATV. Maybe spent 2 hours riding an ATV several years ago. You talk about analysis paralysis! Yikes! So, yesterday I went to a dealer to actually get my hands on a P500. After getting a well intentioned tour and education by the sales guy, I'm not sure whether to go with P500 or one of the Foreman variants. The price difference is close enough to not be much of a factor.
Currently, the only reason (that I can see) to go with P500 is to have a passenger, which is maybe 25% of the time (as a fly fishing and bird hunting guide). All my hunting buddies have ATVs already. And I spend 50% off road time by myself. 50% of that time with my bird dog(crate will be secured to back rack). 99% of riding will be in Eastern Sierra and Nevada desert mountains. The mountains in Nevada can be a very long, flat 10+ mile approach across decent dirt roads, then 5 or 10 miles of very steep, very rocky, deeply rutted two tracks. Best Mule Deer and Chucker hunting in the world, but, I digress.
I mention the long approaches simply for the speed difference between the two machines.
I know many of you have owned both types of these vehicles and many still do, but, now own and maybe prefer the P500. So, I guess I'm asking why would you advise me one way or the other. Also, for me, I'll admit this is a very expensive piece of equipment. And I can't afford to screw this up, and I have come to recognize the collective wisdom in this great community I have stumbled onto here. By the way, I'm 65, and if that matters, that's why I'm finally getting an ATV/UTV. Starting to slow down just a bit.
Thanking you in advance, Doug T.
Start by creating a list of pro and cons and then compare the two. I'll get you started... Maybe others can join in.
ATV pros:
1. A little cheaper
2. Maybe more maneuverable(depends on the driver)
3. Maybe the other guys can add more
SXS pros:
1. Can add a roof to keep the sun and rain off
2. Safety advantage with ROPS and seatbelt
3. Larger hauling capacity
4. Support from such a great group of P500 owners!
5. Windshield, can ride comfortably in the rain.
No P-5 owner will council you to choose an atv over Hondas Pioneer 500.Man is this getting to be a tough decision for me. Please note, I have never owned any type of ATV. Maybe spent 2 hours riding an ATV several years ago. You talk about analysis paralysis! Yikes! So, yesterday I went to a dealer to actually get my hands on a P500. After getting a well intentioned tour and education by the sales guy, I'm not sure whether to go with P500 or one of the Foreman variants. The price difference is close enough to not be much of a factor.
Currently, the only reason (that I can see) to go with P500 is to have a passenger, which is maybe 25% of the time (as a fly fishing and bird hunting guide). All my hunting buddies have ATVs already. And I spend 50% off road time by myself. 50% of that time with my bird dog(crate will be secured to back rack). 99% of riding will be in Eastern Sierra and Nevada desert mountains. The mountains in Nevada can be a very long, flat 10+ mile approach across decent dirt roads, then 5 or 10 miles of very steep, very rocky, deeply rutted two tracks. Best Mule Deer and Chucker hunting in the world, but, I digress.
I mention the long approaches simply for the speed difference between the two machines.
I know many of you have owned both types of these vehicles and many still do, but, now own and maybe prefer the P500. So, I guess I'm asking why would you advise me one way or the other. Also, for me, I'll admit this is a very expensive piece of equipment. And I can't afford to screw this up, and I have come to recognize the collective wisdom in this great community I have stumbled onto here. By the way, I'm 65, and if that matters, that's why I'm finally getting an ATV/UTV. Starting to slow down just a bit.
Thanking you in advance, Doug T.
ATV like owning a Vette. Nice but not practical
500 Like owning a f250. Nice AND practical
That was my progression
Im a newbie SxS rider as of February. Been on honda ATV's for a long time and I LOVE my P500. So much more comfortable to ride. My cousin who usually rides nut to butt on my old quad absolutly loved it this year on the P500. So nice to drink a cup of coffee in the early mornings while still able to drive. And the roof and windshield are great to keep wind and weather off of you. I still have my old honda 300 but I would never go back to full time riding an atv. Buy one and dont look back.
This being the case, choose a machine with a real, selectable front locker or be prepared to pull a winch cable all day. It doesn't matter the brand or type, in steep rocks if you don't have a front locker you'll spend more time pulling a winch cable than riding. Been there and got the t-shirt.then 5 or 10 miles of very steep, very rocky, deeply rutted two tracks.