I grew up water skiing and had many spills that hurt. The one I remember the most was coming into the beach way too fast...hit the sand and became an low flying dart and hit a metal picnic table filled with people...never did that again. I also hit an ally gator once...he wasn't happy. The kids I grew up with all had jon boats and we thought having battles was really cool so we built canons from old grease gun barrels and shot green oranges with cherry bomb....hurt like hell. There was a furniture factory in town and they threw out their scrap furniture legs...you know the tapered one with the metal thing on the bottom. Well...they fit in our canons and cherry bombs would shoot them a couple hundred yards and left large dents in the boats when the hit. Now THAT was fun!!
Lol. You sound like me when I was a kid. 7 boys, one girl in my family. I was second oldest. My friend had a Checkmate with a 115 Merc on it. Good times.
We did some crazy s... when I was growing up. My wife wonders how I’m still here.
When the bridge was being built in the late 60’s, we would take our bikes and drive a couple blocks and onto the bridge. While they were putting the plates on the girders. The plates only halfway across. We would try and see who could skid their bike closest to the edge. I can remember skidding and looking over the edge of the plate. Straight down to the harbour. I might have hit a frame if I misjudged it.
We couldn’t understand why the commissionaires would be so mad. But one guy trying to catch four kids on bikes, good luck. Haha
And growing up in the Northend, you had to fight or get the crap beat out of you everyday. We were only kids but everyone knew us. Haha Including the popo.
Now I’m old. 😊
It’s hot here today. Muggy after the storm. Had a little wind and rain, not much. The news wants everyone panicking.
A few leaves around but that’s about it.
Have a great day