Village Idiot
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I really won't have any complaints , other than the cramped cab space !!!!!
I've thought about this, probably too much.
After watching @jay_man81 rzr seat install video I'm wondering how much work it would take to make a little more space.
At the Takeover this year I rode with @100Acre some, the boy is seriously tall.
He rides with his door open to make more knee room (and it seriously distracts my wife to watch that, she wanted me to do somthing to fix it, like I'm going to tell honda to fix it or somthing).
He gave my wife and I a tour of his 4 Wheel Camper, the canvas part is custom tall so he fits.
On the p500 there are 2 cross pipes that define the back of the cab.
If thease where pushed back (has to be cut out, new pipes bent, fitted and welded in along with any mounts for the head rest, seat belts etc) then the seat back could be moved back.
The seat bottom only needs to move 1/2 the distance back - there is a lot of junk behind the seat like the intake that might restrict moving the seat bottom.
The basic concept is to move as little as possible and still pick up as much benifit as possible.
If replacing 2 cross pipes that are puffed out to the rear makes enough room it might be worth the effort.
Im guessing you could gain 3 to 4 inches before the location of the upper back roll cage pipe would become an issue and need moved also.
But im not so tall so that pipe seams well above my head.
The real trick to seeing if this would work is to get some one with mad fab skills involved.
I'm just not in a position to play with this this year.
Anyway, that's my random thought on the issue.
Feel free to steel it and run.