CP’s Talon Rebuild



Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Picks from the weekend. Put yet another 350 miles on the machine. They are racking up quickly!
Wife drove most of the time and had a lot of fun. We have learned how dangerous the lower doors are to have out in our trails. I am glad I made those so simple to put in or out.

Talon did great, developed a squeak in front suspension, possibly because the left a-arm bent but I don’t know.
E7454358 B271 41EC 955B 675C677B2915
BF7C4CC5 30E3 43D4 A9EC A6C1308437E4
F2114541 819A 44A0 815D BE09295B0F31
55C50172 9D64 4364 8BCB 50262494C478
47D74DDE E37D 4420 960E B56D8517F90B
CFA1CE2F 844E 4F15 BB77 61DB6AF5DCC1
7B4FA0D1 5B43 47B4 818E 673F93DD7532
A5F256D5 37D0 48DF 8D95 80A8FEEECD02
B8FBF51D FD31 4263 8266 A8ABB931A0F3
FFE131E8 F195 403D A214 8865A9F3E2E0
EF5A85AE FAEC 4AAB 9BD4 17FC31D86598
EEECF08A 0F48 4E57 AF38 F1E75D313C06
4DAD687C CA33 4BAB AE75 E2B9F6E54FB2
D9D29730 039E 4CDA BE94 B9E44FF5D14C
5F63B203 17DB 409E A2C1 EFDCDD5903F4

16218DC0 AC79 40A3 9793 35FA81659AE8
8E43DFC2 E57E 46C4 BEE6 64B11DA88D8E
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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
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Club Contributor
Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
What did the lower doors do?
Keeps the sticks from entering the cab when bushwhacking. Didn’t even really think about it till we got deep on a dirt bike trail, had to go seriously slow and reverse a couple times after they started popping through.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
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Club Contributor
Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Was a hot weekend so I tried these out. Used in autobody, had laying around, so was free. I didn’t use much and wife never did but was nice when we went to town, definitely works when you have the real estate.
9C168587 C033 430F A7DF E848CCE4F4CE
CA470ABB 87F4 40B4 8E9A D1CEE7312B1F


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Club Contributor
Oct 14, 2015

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-5

  3. Talon X LV
Another great weekend out camping. Was extra warm out so we hit river by day and some damn good night rides later. I’ve now seen skids a couple times on the Talon. This time was going up a little rutted hill, saw a stump that knew couldn’t straddle so bumped it with momentum, then pounded throttle. Normally works to throttle out but not this time.
Found another good hill climb and would up at top of the big well known dirt bike climb headed down, boy pictures don’t justify that one, especially at 2:30am and watching your daughter come down.
Daughter stayed up with the big boys, her poor boyfriend sitting next to her🤣 but she’s now fighting for position on the trail and is very aggressive with it. She pit maneuvers you sometimes or bust out of trail to get back in front of you. Had her tap into me several times and usually got what she wanted, but it’s fun. Pretty sure she can outride most in the area now.
We now have a full time Polaris in the group, he’s most comfortable in back, I try to show good line so he doesn’t yardsale his machine too badly. He’s cool guy and don’t want him to get turned off by things. He’s like us and kids all ride, he shares his machine with others just like we do

9CE0191A 0EF7 423E B934 41C1E898A71A
394C75C9 9CC5 487E 9DEE 74DD27BE03EA
65047B27 3AD4 494F 942A 9EEABE61DEDE
63A05BB3 BB27 4138 84A8 52B7135526AB
7D332664 C55D 4CA2 9568 2A10C4DAD228
9CCE9A54 FAC5 431E 9FCB 411CB7D5FFF3
F20D1775 389D 4CB5 9AA3 30C4B3AEADF8
68DDD8C2 0E55 458D A499 D59556B634A9
B74EE449 57D4 43AC 860F 10192CBE0E00
2EB93B14 1BFF 474B 9943 C385F5C4DB64
047B3A67 0315 41E9 AEB8 C3800D80F19B
EBEE73D6 5AA3 4978 ACA7 2B6317F47783
6AF8C776 FD52 4231 B38C 767D45D4F3E4
CF15BC4E 901E 4F46 820F B7A690C3AD8A
B9397F9C 7CF4 466B A377 CECB7F40B94C
52BAD21A 8B5E 4AC0 867E 76DD1900DEBB
8FB37E3A 22B0 4338 88FC A378ECADFE4A
EF8E243B C7E4 48AD 9A34 BEFCD98F5949
FE37B42A 2A01 43F5 BD34 D9BC285943E6
2C3AEC85 2E2B 4738 AD54 C7E8B903AA27

59CF6A07 3E49 4C4E B6AC 983A67270D34
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