CP’s Talon Rebuild



Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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OMG, did the Mrs. have another baby? :oops:
If she did it wouldn’t be mine🤣 Gbaby #2

3C529C90 D1E2 4628 9A09 C0EE6D2840D5


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Hope the ol Talon makes it out alive this weekend supposed to be pretty gnarly,not like we could win anything but maybe survive the course. Got an invite from rock crawler buddy so going to give it hell

6F5F0BF4 93C3 4D94 9FC3 56371D39E1F7

3A7995D2 C9AE 4A68 8B90 D47FF25C8973
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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Talon made it out aliveI my buddies too. Went everywhere the massive rock crawlers went without damage. Even winched a Wildcat up the rocks after He broke front diff and axle. Including the Wildcat there were only three of us sxs’s out running the coarse. Neither mine or my buddy sustained any damage this weekend, we ran um hard. Junk ass Honda’s🤣

4CB7CDFB 2441 455D 9B37 F2FF520BC900
8BD2B153 B11E 4485 A692 78DBDDD8954A
504E5DCB E870 43C5 87F6 54022CA28BDF
506D8B2B 68A8 4578 A667 1BE3A4255FF4
F78F3E16 AB95 4EC1 BCF7 2EB3A8CE8FC7
55617F16 246B 4681 978B 40984F64B30B
DE89F04A 88C8 458E B5AF E627EBEE79DC
4FB7CFC3 9110 4415 9B6F 3CB5FF9C331E
BD03F352 4C56 4333 AAAB 97D36F5D63A9
0075AC1F E582 481B BA06 68758F38A062
F2F7C272 CF5B 46ED A964 7CC1AF7F1A51
5446CD6D 2B9A 4AB2 9D01 C2C782BF3A5B
917B9280 6F88 4749 B7B4 5A3E2B095EE2
7CE13381 726F 4AEF B3D0 206C286FBC51
7AEB2A87 A770 47FE 8878 50FB3576723A
9AC510AE 07D0 47C7 B369 983C61A09B01
DAB1E734 C44E 4E44 856B F16B50B74882
3980FD11 9299 404A BB38 E9AC0E73BBB1
2E61EE4F 9AE0 4260 A1FD D943340C0B07
423F8846 9451 4755 A374 A847BA84FE40
550D9E49 A9CB 45FF 8AC8 826B5BE93F0F
1317A806 B72D 4405 AA07 7681D115CD95
94F12F4D 02AB 4079 B991 6E6ECFC1ECB1
997C52C5 B062 484A 830E 95E3834CCC49
F05AA1F4 3C37 40A3 A967 F4D71A6E5751
7B126796 D174 446C 814B 2BD1ED62E70D
2A3BB626 6E19 4438 AE90 55769C8D092E
94EE5FE8 2D9C 4A2C 86D7 49DE6F5C76A4
07131CE9 BBD4 4FF1 8ACA 60C58D95085E
212F4E8E BE68 4BF8 BDE4 310F1B27FD51


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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
Yet another weekend in the books. Really enjoying the machine. Wife drove all Friday night for about 6 hours. Can say she’s very confident in it now. We took off alone again, had couple beers, tunes and trails. Creek ride also, it’s nice getting out with her alone, we’ve really needed that over the years, we’re always worried about everyone else. Nice having a break.
We got up into some massive hill climbs next day. A couple of them the Talon was spitting shale rocks all the way.up. I’ll admit I was terrified on one hill, manual 2nd low pinned for a long ways, worried I’d spin out part way up and be f***ed but somehow found traction at the right times over roots or something solid. Front wheels up many times. And going down was a direct slide when brakes touched in places. Had Garmin camera going and saw 63 degrees of angle so I guess pretty severe in loose material.
Had lots of fun once the shakes mellowed out a bit lol. Still amazes me what sxs’s can do sometimes.

4914AB06 A388 43C0 B814 9F5EC5788A1E
BE37B9F6 54D6 4A2F B276 64722E92A95D
720BCF17 D41C 4399 9A8F DE2B7A4B0817
5FC06320 C2B8 405C 93B5 057787D4884A
E18238EA D9B0 4367 8282 A403B67FAB04
2C37B502 72FA 45D4 B124 AD3647EB7FAA
088A1C3F 5C5B 4682 8AAB 85C7F022C215
B687205C B5C9 450A B11B 791DA5E8F6B4
416A0331 4CC3 4800 883A CA21CBE390B0
AA838C73 B242 49FB 8BA3 2F9DC1F96BDC
227735B8 4568 4363 8166 E49E1CAF4B89
59116618 1C53 4174 958E 7F1D26C773BC


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Couple shots from last weekend. Great ride, 110 miles and 13hrs. Stopped for the best French dip around in Montana. Got clogged up a bit at the waterfall with a very unfriendly Jeep club that had broken a bunch of crap.
A local sxs group has seen enough posts that they asked If we could lead the way next weekend. I was told it’d apparently be the core group that doesn’t mess around and they’d like to ride with us. We’ve found enough ways through areas that others haven’t so it’ll be cool getting er done.

16E7A2BE 0394 4D34 9BDC 44B450682F6F
F9C10AB4 339D 4483 8CAF 24CB827CB75E
71255EA1 88A5 48B0 BA71 30BD7B40F204
FD2F0C60 DEB0 4DC7 8FA0 8364322ED00E
D11CE4F0 0DCF 47F5 A6E1 2E04D0C69831
E67A3A78 52AE 4B2D 8BC3 168BE566E683
F5272E11 2DFE 47A4 BCDF 17DE5E954AFA
61410AEA 43D9 47ED 80F2 61F0CCDCB774


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Glad to see that lightly damaged fender is being put to good use. 😂
I kinda chuckled a bit after seeing the fender you shipped saying it was replaced because of a couple scuffs. Some people 🤣
Actually the front painted fenders still aren’t bad, but I’ll be looking for rear fenders this winter. Hoping to fix her back up and I’ll be taking Pioneer next year much more so it doesn’t get so bad. Rear quarters are way beyond anything I could even pretend to fix, I ordered a set months ago just to do that but still back ordered so if you see anything…


I kinda chuckled a bit after seeing the fender you shipped saying it was replaced because of a couple scuffs. Some people 🤣
Actually the front painted fenders still aren’t bad, but I’ll be looking for rear fenders this winter. Hoping to fix her back up and I’ll be taking Pioneer next year much more so it doesn’t get so bad. Rear quarters are way beyond anything I could even pretend to fix, I ordered a set months ago just to do that but still back ordered so if you see anything…

It's not the customers so much as our former Sales manager.

But if buying a $20k machine new id want it to be damm perfect as well.


Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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  3. Talon X LV
Few pics from last weekend adventures. Was asked to take local riding group out so we did. Couple area’s only a few followed, and a few other areas a couple were too wide but everyone seemed to have a good time. Took off about 8am and got back at midnight after two in the group wanted to continue on for a night ride, that got a bit deep even for us lol.
Did just a little of everything, even got into a high speed run with the RS1 at 70 for about 10 miles 25 feet apart, that was new to mu but definitely a blast. A few of us are trying to set something back up real soon. Good group.

4E1C98C2 EC85 4E82 81AB ECCCF52EF28F
16816E59 EF96 48D5 8746 C2F9799DDD3D
7FEF9E3B 94D8 4145 8F1A 679D20B63EAD
0729C5CA CCD5 4070 A8AD 31EB1D0B35D6
D77B5D5E 779D 4717 BA89 07D9912FF515
5A40BDE2 18E1 4992 A040 9D374928B512
C6BA5EF5 8C5A 4B17 BE9B C32B977E37E9
091377B3 FA73 4874 81E4 5CC600BEC919
8010A6B2 0FE6 4C3D B042 83A3559E5FC2
395AA692 BB3B 4FA0 8127 B2B99E6A4B0A
AB57AF6F 4769 4EE4 AFC7 5DC680831AB2
666A1FBA EEDC 41AF 96F1 30277FBCFB0E
22C44006 9EAB 4296 80AF F9BD75D79AB6
293CA63C 7558 48BE 9520 9B21B3A840E2
C3244A9D B22F 4E2C 8635 F709643F2D7F
AEE7C4A0 5329 4788 AED2 CE4FA631DD7F
12A6F41F FE84 4799 9215 B554FAB46962
F337FF37 80CC 41FD B216 AA494096CECB
D1B23A86 9E38 4AAD AA20 CE10A8F19ECE
13400950 3744 43FA A2EA D595B6D2B6A6
9CD2AA2C 369C 4732 B717 D7D5D515FBF1
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Just a Honda doing Honda things.
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Oct 14, 2015

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Well I guess even though everyone in the new group had a good time they don’t exactly want to get more sketchy. Luckily it looks like the admin and another want to go again this weekend. Pretty excited, looks like I need to get a bunch more zip ties and glue for the ol Talon before the weekend🤣
Added a Rzr rock crawl edition and a Pioneer 1000 to the group.

65295229 1AC5 46F2 A9BC BA472B962CBA

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