Wise Men Still Seek "Him"
Lifetime Member
Hi there,
I'm new to all of this for forgive any mistakes. I recently purchased a 2016 1000 Pioneer. I have been trying to figure out why it would overhead on occasion and work fine on other rides. This is what I have learned that might work for some of you. Apparently when the ignition is turned to on and the Pioneer is not started for more than 4 seconds it goes into "low power mode". Low power mode deactivates the fan after you start. This deactivation no matter how cold it is outside doesn't pull the air though the radiator and will eventually overheat. I couldn't figure out why it was overheating riding in the snow with tracks on very cold days. I have gotten into the habit of starting it right of the bat instead of waiting for the pump to cycle. Tried it on a handful of rides and it seems to fix the problem. I am told by the dealer that Honda is working on a recall for this.
Hello, I guess that could very well be the problem, I have not had a chance to try it yet mine has been put up for the winter but the two or maybe three times that that has happen to me that is exactly how it has happen You pretty much described it exactly and I have always had a habit of pausing on the ignition because I have driven diesels my whole life, My wife has even made comment to me asking why I hesitate when I get in Her car to drive it,,, Thank You,,,