OK...skimmed to page 194 or so and got the gist of it. I love mystery issues!!
Did you ever get the ECM swapped with a another...or are you thinking its mechanical?
You must really like Honda. After what you've been through...the day after it got fixed, it'd be at the yam dealer on an X4. Lot f time and money invested, though.
I may head to some dealers tomorrow and drive the Wolvy AND 1000 3 since there are some good deals on them now. Some stuff is going well, and I might be back in the saddle sooner than expected, but we'll see. Honestly, its the Wolvy or probably another 700 (2 seats this time) for me.
Edit: long winded I know but many have been asking me what's going on, what am I doing and what do I think so this is where I'm at.
I have my own opinions however I'm just not going to open up too much because some people that have never even seen a transmission bolt want to argue. It's been a very tough expensive road and I'm pretty good with mechanics, but this one...was nice to see her running again. I do love Honda and always have had great luck with the brand up till this one.
At one time we owned a dozen rigs coming up camping at once. 25 weekends a year over the last 14 years (minus this one because of things) is no joke.lots of people say they ride hard then you wind up riding dirt roads with them and they are afraid to get it muddy. Why I say that isn't to piss some people off it's to say we push things a bit more then most. Coming from dirt bikes you tend to do that and most machines cannot do that week after week without major maintenance to say the least.
Over the years we've learned Honda is best. Yami close second but nothing else comes close for longevity. Our 700-4 was king but I did want some more. Our first 1000 was flat out awesome till we found the water issue they have. I still today look back at that rig and know it would be 10000 miles plus on our trails without issue andthat why I still love the 1000. It's a beast and the best rig for us.
We're at 1000 miles on the Wolverine and it's solid. Actually I really like the 2-seat Wolverine. It's suspension is incredible and it's so cozy. If I were to only need two seats and ride where we do I'd be perfectly happy especially since it comes with Warn winch, great suspension, super cozy buckets,roof,real skid plates, radiator guard,arched a-arms all for 11k. Belt whine is a little loud I'll admit after the 1000 but for a belt it's got great engine breaking and pulls off the bottom unlike the wound up Popo. Turn up the tunes and never let off the throttle lol. We need more seats though and I love the full roof in the woods along with gears.
I'm going to be testing an X4 in our woods shortly and I personally know the owner, he tells me his dealer has never been denied by Yamaha even for a pealing sticker or a cv boot tear and he'll cover us. He knows us well too lol, so I have to at least consider. He says have fun and tear it up...oh we will

I really like the Pioneer but I'm not dumb and totally blinded by brand loyalty, even being a Honda guy, however it's got to be able to compare for us and that's going to be tough. Both are good at certain things but I'm worried the design of the x4 won't allow for tree riding, there are a few things I really like about the 1000 and I know I'll get things figured out with Pioneer so I'm probably staying put with Honda